Elevate Your Health: Essential Daily Supplements You Need to Thrive!

Discover the vital supplements that can transform your health and well-being. Maximize your daily routine for optimal vitality and longevity!

May 3, 2024

A Message from Kathleen:

Dear Friends,

I get the question all the time: “What supplements do you take? Why?”

So this week’s main article gives you a very basic introduction to supplements that are, in my opinion, essential.

Be well,


Main Article

Discover essential daily supplements for optimal health! Maximize your wellness routine with these key nutrients.

For Your Library

Wellness News This Week

10 Ways to Snore No More

You’re in a deep and peaceful slumber when, suddenly, the sound of a ship horn jolts you awake—only it’s not a ship horn. It’s your partner snoring. This is a scenario that you may be all too familiar with, as about half of all adults snore at one time or another.

5 Simple Mindfulness And Relaxation Habits For A Calmer You

The constant rush of modern life can make finding moments of calm feel like a rare luxury. The good news is mindfulness and relaxation are far more accessible than you realize. By incorporating a few simple mindfulness practices into your daily routine, you can improve your mental clarity and reduce stress.

5 Good Signs Your Skin Is Actually Aging Well

We all know the telltale signs that your skin isn’t aging well — sun spots, deep wrinkles and dry skin are just three things to look out for. If you’re a smoker, you may notice deeper wrinkles and dry skin. If you’ve lacked sun protection over the years, you may experience hyperpigmentation. But what are the signs that your skin is on the right path?

The 7 Best Home Remedies for a Tooth Infection

If you’ve got a persistent and throbbing toothache that seems to get worse when you chew or bite down on something, you very well may have a tooth infection. Also known as dental abscesses, tooth infections are relatively common and can unfortunately occur at any time—and at any age, says dentist Mary Jo Sandberg, DDS, owner of Sandberg Dental in Ann Arbor, Michigan.